Before I came here, I had every minute of free time planned with activities. I thought it would be a good idea to make to the most out of this vacation and do as many activities as possible. But sometimes, you just have to go with the flow and listen to your intuition.
Today was the first time I went on a zip line through the canopy of the cloud forest. I LOVED IT. I wish I could fly in the treetops everyday. It came so naturally to me - the group I was with started joking around that I become a zip line tour guide. ;) Maybe someday . . .
I had signed up to go on a waterfall hike on Friday, but I think I might go back to the cloud forest again. There's just nothing like it. Unfortunately, I don't have the canopy tour pictures right now. Our guides took phenomenal pictures and will send us a CD on Friday.
Also, I've decided to skip the day trips on Wednesday. I was only interested in one of them - the beach - and I heard it wasn't that great. With the afternoon thunderstorms and having to get up at 5:30am to catch the bus for the trip, I'm just not feeling it. Plus I'm starting to feel burned out between traveling, all of the orientation sessions yesterday, the myoskeletal class, and the ridiculously loud birds at dawn. So instead, I will lounge around the hot tub, do some meditation, and get some bodywork done on Wednesday. The perfect way to renew my energy.
No pictures today -the canopy tour pictures will be later and the rest of the day was spent in class.