Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Peace Corps Updates

The holidays are over and school has resumed.  (If you would like the story of my holiday break, email me @  Here are a few pics.  :)

There have been a few developments in the Peace Corps administration and volunteer service that I'd like to share.
  • The Peace Corps Office in Kampala had a retaining wall collapse, now the office (including medical) is inaccessible.  The country director and program manager are looking for a new office space.  This means that the PC staff do not have access to their emails, and yet that is the way we are supposed to keep in touch with them. (?)  Communication breakdown.
  • Because the staff are busy dealing with the collapsed wall, our 3-month In-Service Training has been postponed until March.  We were supposed to have more language training and workshop courses to develop more outreach skills.  The PC administration has cut the training down from 2 week to 4 days.  Kind of a bummer.
  • Because the In-Service Training has been postponed, I'm going to a volunteer conference in Kitgum (north of Gulu, near the border of South Sudan).  A few PCVs put together this conference for volunteers who live in the north/West Nile.  It's a great chance to meet everyone that lives in nearby regions.  And they've put together some great sessions about secondary projects.  I'm really excited.  :)
  • My PCV training group is setting a record pace for people quitting their service.  We've been at site for 3 months now and lost 5, possibly 6, volunteers.  One was sent home for being mentally unstable; another quit because he didn't like his site; one of the older couples left because they didn't like their site either; and my good friend Brady (from the West Nile group) just got medically evacuated to the states.  He has been sick since training and is not responding to any medication.  The doctors don't know what's wrong with him and sent him to the states to see a specialist.  He has 45 days to get better or his Peace Corps service is over.  And there is one more person who will possibly be sent home for breaking numerous Peace Corps rules (i.e. making money off his site).  Craziness.
That's all for now.  I'll post again about the PCV Conference in Kitgum.  And I'll take lots of pics.


  1. Hi Laura,
    Great update! Your pictures are beautiful. I'm glad to hear that some PCV's put together a volunteer conference in Kitgum. You'll get ideas on secondary projects, meet other PCV's, and see more of the country. We're thankful that you were placed at the Kuluva School of Nursing where you seem happy and can help in so many ways. We miss you and think of you all the time.
    Love, Mom

  2. OMG such an update! So glad u r happy where u are!!!!I feel bad for your PCV that had to go home, so glad it is working out for u!!!! Love and miss u!

  3. Hi the pictures Laura...hugs and kisses from the states!!!!!!!!!!We are watching The Ghost and the Darkness...filmed in Africa! Kinda snowed in today on my birthday!Thinking of u darling!!!!

  4. Thanks for the latest updates on everything!

  5. hi..again thanks for the updates! U can skip that movie although the pics of Africa are beautiful! It's an interesting movie...but it is about lions. Glad u have goats and monkeys around u!!!!
