Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blog Hiatus

School resumed last week after a wonderful month-long winter break.  (I went back to the States for 3 weeks, if you didn't already know that.)  It was one of the best Christmas vacations ever - and one of the coldest!

I came back to the U.K. with 5 days to study for my statistics exams.  But it was still incredibly difficult since the questions were completely different from the ones we practiced in class/for homework.  I'm just hoping I passed (grades will be posted in a few weeks).  Now we're moving quickly into second semester and I've got loads of homework.  There are fewer lectures this semester, so we're getting more assignments for self-study.  It's only been one week of classes, but this is what I've got so far:
  • Literature review of 15 articles due in 2 weeks - the topic cannot be the same as my dissertation, which means . . .
  • I have to do another literature review of an additional 50 articles for my dissertation
  • Practice exercise of a qualitative research method
  • Practice exercise of a quantitative research method
  • Formal assignment of a research design proposal
There will also be an assignment for my Communicable Disease class - most likely an intervention strategy proposal for a specific disease.

Needless to say, this blog will be on hiatus for the next two months.  I don't expect anything exciting to happen (it's very boring writing about my daily activities in the library).

BUT . . . you can look forward to some more travel blog posts at the end of March and in April!  I will be going to Geneva, Switzerland for a study tour at the World Health Organization on March 23-31.  Then Mom and Dad will be coming to England for a 2-week holiday in April.  So sit tight until spring when the adventures resume!