Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Calm Before The Storm

After constant travel in December, I was looking forward to settling in back at site and getting a routine a school.  I thought staying put at the nursing school would help me refocus on teaching and working with the school staff.  It didn’t turn out that way.  

Last year the school administration decided to add another group of students to the rotation (mainly because the school wanted to collect more tuition fees).  So now the school is overcrowded (and they’re still in debt).  The principal decided to turn the computer room into a classroom for the extra set of students.  This means that when the students are in class, I cannot use the computer room.  It’s very difficult to create databases without access to a computer.  And there’s nowhere else for me to work, because the school brought on more part-time teachers and all of the office desks are occupied.  So I end up staying at home more, because I at least have internet access there and I can also read or take a nap.

The other major problem has been the power outages.  I mentioned in my last blog that the power goes out every day for 30-60 minutes.  Well after I posted that, it got worse.  Now the power goes out 3 times a day for about an hour each time.  And yesterday, it was out from 12:30pm-7:30pm.  I can’t teach computing if there is no electricity. 

Last night (during the power outage), I planned out my calendar until the end of my service.  It turns out that this is the low point in my work schedule and things are going to get really busy, really quick.  On Saturday, I’m leaving for Zanzibar.  (Yay!)  When I get back, I have 2 meetings in 2 different weeks for Peace Corps Committees.  (That’s going to take a few bus rides back & forth to Kampala.)  In April, there is a new group of PCVs arriving, and I applied to be one of the trainers.  I am also planning another vacation that month.  (I have 16 vacation days to use up before July!)  In May, there will be more training for the new arrivals; and June, the Kuluva School of Nursing is closed for break, but I’ll have plenty of prep work to do for Girl Tech, another committee meeting, (and maybe one more vacation).  And then July is our Close of Service Conference and August is Girl Tech!!!  Yeah, things are about to get crazy!


  1. Hi Laura, That IS a busy calendar for the next several months. Your vacation in Zanzibar is well-timed. You can relax and have a good time with friends, and then come back and get busy with meetings and planning for Girl Tech. I hope you're selected as a trainer for the new group coming in. I know you'd be good at it and you have a lot of insight to offer. I remember you said learning from the current PCV's was the most valuable and enjoyable part of your training. Have a wonderful vacation in Zanzibar!
    Love, Mom

  2. Hello are in the countdown!Nothing better than things getting busy for you..Sounds like lots of interesting things coming up and I hope you get the trainer job too...Amazing how time is marching on! Braylen was 18 months yesterday! he was born August 22, 2011...Exciting to hear about all your adventures and life on the open road...can't wait to hear about what you are doing when you come back!!!You fly back in October? Excited you will have a full calendar soon...slow, no computer room, and electricity going out makes for long days...prepare for your trip!Have a wonderful are missed and loved!Love Aunt Linda and Uncle Jerry

  3. You left in July for training and was it like August 6th or something for Uganda?Right before Bray was born...I remember. hugs kiddo
