Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rainy Day

It was raining when we went to work this morning and it hasn't stopped since. Good thing I bought a raincoat for this trip! I've worn it everyday.

The day started with 5 out of the 11 volunteers getting sick . . . but not me. I feel great. We don't know if it was food poisoning, something contagious, or just general stomach problems. But we were very short-staffed for work. Somehow, the remaining 6 of us painted the entire second coat on the exterior of the orphanage. Now we need to paint the ceiling, part of the roof-overhang, and 2 bedrooms. The boys were supposed to go to school Wed., Thurs., and Fri., this week, but 3 of them got in trouble and were suspended. So they'll be at the house while we're working the rest of the week.

Today's culture lesson was another Spanish class. I'm really excited to continue the lessons at home - I'd really like to become more fluent for the next time I travel. I love working at the orphanage, but the language barrier is a big issue for me. I desperately want to talk to the boys, but I don't know enough Spanish and they don't know any English. Luckily, there are a few volunteers who are intermediate level Spanish-speakers and they have the most interaction with the boys.

We're also having dance lessons later tonight, as part of our cultural learning. I'm really looking forward to it. I'll write about the details tomorrow. :)

Love, Laura

1 comment:

  1. !Hola!
    Como esta? Me gusta leer sus historias acerca de su vieje. Espero que usted este tomando un lor de imagenes.
    Amor, Mama
