Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mmm . . . Food.

To give you an idea of Ugandan cuisine, here is a typical daily menu for me.

6:30am – For breakfast, my host family offers 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bread w/ butter, 2 bananas, and a protein drink mix called Soya.  I usually just eat 1 piece of bread, 1 banana, and the Soya drink.

10:00am – Tea Time.  At the training center, we are served coffee or African tea and a snack – usually samosas.  (Think of a wonton filled with peas & carrots or meat.)

1:00pm – Lunch at the training center is a buffet of bland starches: matoke (cooked bananas), rice, posha, and various potatoes; as well as meat or beans and a vegetable dish.  The most common vegetables are cabbage, carrots, green beans, and peas.  Bananas are for dessert.

5:00pm-6:00pm (whenever I get home from class) – Tea Time #2.  My host family again offers the Soya drink or African tea, bread & butter, and hard-boiled eggs.

8:00pm – Dinner with the host family includes more starches: matoke, rice, potatoes, beans, and a vegetable – same as lunch.  And there is sometimes fruit for dessert (pineapple, passion fruit, bananas, mangoes, etc.)

In the US, I would never eat this much food in one day.  My host family keeps giving me a huge plate of food and then comments how I eat such a little amount.   So, I usually skip the afternoon tea ‘meal’ and take smaller portions at lunch & dinner.  Of course, this menu will all change once I’m at my assignment and have to cook for myself!


  1. :) Maybe they will eventually stop giving you a full plate. I hope you will be able to give yourself more variety once you are cooking for yourself.

    Question: Is it considered offensive to the hosts if you do not finish a plate? I know many cultures have feelings along those lines. Do you feel pressure to finish your plate?

    I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Stay safe and have fun!

    Love, Kailey

  2. Perhaps it's the cooked carrots in the picture that made me think going to Uganda would be a great way for me to loose weight...Lol! It's interesting how often they eat though, I wonder why...what's posha? And what is that peachy colored food in the foreground of your picture? I would absolutely love the fresh fruits though! Miss you friend! :)

  3. Wow, I could definitely not survive there with the limited variety of foods. No peanut butter and jelly and ice-cream? Count me out! Lol Love hearing about your adventure though! Love, Amber
