Wednesday, September 7, 2011


(Me and the country director for Peace Corps Uganda)
When I got my Peace Corps invitation back in June, my assignment said ‘Community Health – HIV/AIDS Prevention.’  Well, it turns out that’s not quite right.  HIV education is definitely a big part of public health in Uganda, but there are 4 other major sections: malaria prevention, nutrition, water sanitation, and health management information systems.  So . . .

My official job with the Peace Corps is a Health Instructor at the Kuluva School of Nursing!!!  The nursing school is part of Kuluva Hospital, which is about 4 ½ miles outside of Arua.  After talking to my program manager, I found out that they’re looking for someone to teach technical/computer skills in the healthcare setting, as well as organizational/structure skills.  How perfect is that?!?!  :)  I AM SO EXCITED!!!  (And yes, if they have computers, then they have electricity!)

My group is leaving tomorrow to go to Arua – it’s an all-day bus ride.  We’ll be there for one week – I’ll get to tour the nursing school/hospital and hopefully see my house!


  1. Yea! We're very excited for you, Laura! It sounds like a perfect fit. Can't wait to talk to you after your visit to the site. Love, Mom

  2. Congratulations Laura - we're so happy - and what a relief - Keep us posted - love, Aunt Nikki

  3. Yay! You sound super excited Laura! That's great!
