Monday, July 23, 2012

What's Up

Here are some quick updates about what’s going on with me.

Peace Corps Volunteers gave the 4th of July a proper celebration here in Uganda.  I went to 2 parties on different weekends.  One was big and crazy – full of barbeque, alcohol, and shenanigans.  The other was a nice potluck lunch with good friends and good conversations.  It was a great holiday.  :)

Big news:  my water has come back!  After living for 6 months without running water, it’s back!  I still prefer bucket baths (my shower is just a trickle of water), but it makes a big difference with washing dishes and flushing the toilet.  Hooray.

My electricity has been stable since May.  This has enabled me to watch countless movies and TV show marathons during my free time.  (Game of Thrones is my new favorite.)  I have a 500GB hard drive that’s full but I am quickly going through all of those movies.  I will reload it when I come home.  I’m also going to pick up a Kindle – the Peace Corps book exchange doesn’t really work for me since I’m so far from Kampala.

Last week I suffered through another bout of diarrhea.  I was miserable but it passed after a few days.  And of course, I have no idea what caused it.  But I’m pretty lucky – I still have not had any serious illnesses that require a trip to the medical office.

Spider update:  Last weekend I caught a big, fat-ass, hairy tarantula that was crawling across the floor in my sitting room.  Yeah, this one creeped me out a bit.  I couldn’t kill it (I didn’t want to clean up the mess), so I caught it and let it go outside (away from the house!).

The weather here is cooler (65-75) cloudy, windy, and rainy about half of the time.  Other days it’s sunny but not too hot.  Bike rides to town are much more pleasant now.  Unfortunately, I think the crappy weather affects my internet connection and I only have internet a couple days per week now, and it’s very slooooooow.   I’ve waited 34 minutes just to check my email.  Ugh.

The grant I wrote back in June has not been reviewed yet.  (It's for database software to create a student records database, and to set up internet connection at the school's computer lab.)  The Peace Corps changed the review schedule, so I have to wait until mid-August to find out if it gets approved.

In the meantime, I’m teaching computing to the nursing students.  The lessons are very basic – how to open a document; how to save; bold/underline/italic; etc.  It’s going alright – I’m still having difficulty getting used to the non-planning way of life here.  For instance, there are not enough classrooms for the 4 classes of students (poor planning).  So on any given day, an entire class will be sent home for ‘study’ . . . and it might be the day that I was scheduled to teach.  (???)  So I’m trying to think of other things I could work on at Kuluva (since I still have a lot of down-time), but new projects will have to wait until October – I’m pretty busy until then.

Oh yeah.  And Kuluva Hospital has not paid for their PO Box in over 2 years.  The post office has locked the box and we are no longer receiving mail until it’s paid for.  I gave the notice to the hospital administration about a month ago and they still haven’t paid.  If it’s not paid when I come back in October, I’ll find another PO Box to have my mail sent to.

That's all for now. 


  1. That spider would have sent me packing! Thanks for posting a photo -- words just wouldn't have described it adequately! Love, Mom

  2. Glad you had a good 4th and now have running water! That spider is REALLY creepy!! I would freak if I saw a spider like that in my house! Yuk. I wish your weather was's been 100-106 degrees here and no rain! Not fun at all. I could hardly breathe outside today. Once again...yuk. But it's almost August! September is just around the corner!!! :)

  3. Good to hear from you! Your 4th sounds like it went great! Spiders~big and harry~yuk Laura! I would have smashed it. Sorry.You aren't missing much this summer~hot hot hot here all the time... Well~u are in the countdown now~whoohoo!!!! You are coming home kiddo1 Stay well~no more sickness and we will see you soon!Much love, Aunt Linda

  4. Laura,

    I love reading your blogs . . .so easy to get spoiled here in America! That is a BIG spider-i'd have to find someone to take care of it for me. How long will you be in town for in Sept.? It would be great to see you!

  5. Oooh, that is quite the spider specimen to see parading across your sitting room floor! Glad you could capture and release it without incident... and see it back to the bushes where it belongs!

    Your 4th of July holiday sounded so festive! And hooray for running water! Wow, 6 months is a long time to do without... you are a trooper. I'll bet you're plotting out some nice, long showers in September... hot tubs, too! :)

    I'm glad you recovered so quickly from, ugh, diarrhea... and so happy to hear how healthy you have been. It sounds like all that Public Health knowledge is really paying dividends for you!

    Sending Love.
