Monday, August 27, 2012


Well, the grant proposal I wrote for the school’s computer systems was denied.  I am extremely disappointed because I feel like I was set up to fail.  I wrote a thorough grant proposal for the student records database program and internet connection for the computer lab, and submitted it to the grant coordinator to make sure it included the necessary information.  After reading it, she replied that there was no money for education grants and I should rewrite my proposal to focus on maternal and child health statistics.  So that’s what I did, I made the edits that she recommended even though it made no sense.  On the review date, the grant committee looked at it and promptly denied it because the data collection didn’t match the proposal . . . obviously.  It’s a student record database!  Geez.  I am not surprised that the grant was denied, but I’m frustrated because a lot of my projects at Kuluva are not working out.  I’ve heard from other PCVs that things may take a long time to get started and failure is common. 

I’m not really sure what I’m going to do next at Kuluva.  My vacation to the States couldn’t have come a better time – I need a break and time to clear my head.  I hope to return refreshed and with new ideas.  I’m also going to a Peace Corps conference next week called the All Volunteer Conference.  It’s two days at hotel in Masaska – we get the opportunity to meet all the PCVs currently serving in Uganda and discuss the work we’re doing, issues at site, etc.  Maybe I’ll find some new project ideas there too.


  1. Hi Laura, Sorry to hear your grant proposal was denied -- even after you made the recommended changes. Ugh, how frustrating! I hope you get some good ideas at the All Volunteer Conference. Talking to the others will help put things in perspective for you again. I know your service in Uganda has changed lives! Love, Mom

  2. Hi sweet niece! Sorry about this denial. That is so frustrating. However, somewhere down the line those skills you refined in writing this grant will serve you well~you are an experienced grant writer! Good for you! Proud of your hard work!!!Can't wait to see you in person!!!:) Much love~have a wonderful trip home and we will dance until the sun comes up at the wedding!(Well, maybe not that long~but WE WILL DANCE!)Love you, Aunt Linda
