Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Ok, I need to make this quick, since we're packing up to move to the next town (and there won't be any internet connection for a day or two).

Sukothai is the name of the town we stayed in for the past two nights.  Yesterday we took a bicycle tour through the historical park (with all of the temples and statues), had a home-cooked authentic lunch, visited a ceramic shop and local food market, and enjoyed the evening light show at the temple.  Here's the day in pictures.  (*Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to upload the pictures from my point-and-shoot camera; my work laptop doesn't have any photo software.  So I can only share the pics from my phone.)

Bike tour!  (Don't worry - I also wore a helmet.  Those pics are on my other camera.)

Our tour guide, Nok.  She's hilarious - her humor definitely makes the trip a lot of fun!

Ceramic craft shop

I bought a bag of Coke in Thailand.  (Ha ha, we had a lot of fun saying that one!)  Let me explain: sodas are sold in glass bottles, and the vendors need to collect them (after you finish your drink) in order to reuse them.  So when you need a drink "to go," they pour the liquid into a plastic bag.  Hence, I bought a bag of Coke.

It was such an incredible day.


  1. Wow! I love your pictures (and your shirt!) Looks like you're having an amazing vacation. Enjoy your homestay tomorrow, and then Chiang Mai.

  2. Great pictures. Especially that sunrise one.
