I didn't go in the water (all of my stuff is packed), but I took a few more photos and did a little shopping. I had a few realis (Brazilian currency) left and bought a cute bracelet. I also went to Frans Cafe (the nice coffee shop) and got their version of a Frappuccino. :) I must say, for anyone who is thinking of coming here, things are not cheap! Everything costs about the same as it would in the US (e.g. Frappuccino $5, dinner last night $17, ticket to the Bale show $20, etc.). But overall, this has been another wonderful experience. :) I enjoyed working with the kids, even though I only learned a few words in Portuguese. And we (the volunteers) all had so much fun in Pelourinho! Good times. :)
Love, Laura
Sounds like an all-around fun trip. You'll have to show me more picts next time I see you.