I woke up at 5:45am after 9 solid hours of sleep. It was great. :) Then a shower and coffee on the patio and I was completely recharged.
After breakfast, everyone went off on their own. I ventured down to the beach again and went to a few shops nearby. I didn't stay too long - I didn't want to get sunburned on my first day. The weather is hot & humid! . . . and there's no air conditioning. I'll get used to it. ;) A group of us just went and checked out the local cafe - it's very modern and has a huge menu. Open 24 hours so I can get a cappuccino anytime! Ha ha. There's also an Acai smoothie bar right next to it - I'll be going there later. There are 3 volunteers who have been here for several weeks and are giving us tips about the town. It's nice to have them show us around and they're pretty fluent in Portuguese.
We have our orientation meeting today at 4:00pm and tonight a bunch of us are going to a music festival. So I figured I'll write a little bit now, since I might not have time later. :)
Love, Laura
Hi Laura, We're relieved to hear you made it to Salvador safe and sound. We love the pictures you're sending and can't wait to hear more about your work there. Love, Mom