I'll continue with last night . . .
A big group of us went back to Pelourinho for a lovely dinner at Mama Bahia. The music festival was pretty big, so half of our group went to the concert stage and the other half went to see the drummers in the streets. (I was in the drummer group.) :) We saw a group of African women drummers, and they were phenomenal! I'm going to see if I can find a CD of their music. It was a great night.
Then today . . .
My class was nuts. I found a coloring book at the homebase and xeroxed one picture to give to the kids. I thought it was simple, fun, and something to do. Unfortunately, the kids don't know how to share. As soon as I passed out the crayons, they started fighting, screaming, and hitting each other to take the crayons. I spent the whole time trying to quiet them down and keep them in their chairs. It didn't work out too well. Then later, the teacher passed out toys to each child - and they start fighting again. There were LOTS of time-outs today. Ugh.
I spent the afternoon on the beach and in the ocean. It felt so good to unwind and do nothing. :) I headed back to the homebase when I saw storm clouds rolling in. We've been very lucky so far with lots of sunshine, but it's likely to be rainy for the next few days. I also went to the Portuguese lesson that CCS offered. We just went over some basic language structure, but had some good laughs too. This is a really fun group of volunteers. :)
Tonight I'm just going to lay low at the homebase. Maybe get some gelato . . .
Love, Laura
Mmmm gelato...good thinking