Saturday, October 8, 2011

Finals Week

The past couple weeks of training have been pretty hectic.  Between a 4-day field trip, 2 final presentations, a language simulation day, and the final Language Proficiency Interview, I haven't had much time on the computer.  The good news is that I'm more confident now about going to my site because the field visit and strategic plan presentations gave me a VERY clear picture of what my 2-year service will look like.  As for Lugbara, I think I have a 50/50 shot of passing the interview.  I find out my grade next week.  If I don't pass, then the Peace Corps will provide a tutor and I will have another proficiency interview in 3 months.  No big deal.  :)

Today we were supposed to have a "Thank You" party for our host families - unfortunately, it has been postponed.  I received a text from the Peace Corps Country Director that there is a high security threat.  I believe it has to do with the fact that day is the African Football (Soccer) Finals and Uganda is playing against Kenya - and the game is in Kampala.  Crazy soccer hooligans.  :)

So, the party will be rescheduled to ???  And this week is our final week in Kampala for the Swearing In Ceremony.  I think there is a very good chance that our schedule will be rearranged depending on what's happening in the city.  Peace Corps event schedules are the ultimate test of patience and flexibility.


  1. Hi Laura, will be thinking about you and your venture to wind things up and the journey to your new site. It must feel good to know you are almost done with training!Hugs and stay safe!

  2. Hi Laura, Congratulations on completing training! I've heard it is the hardest part of your 2 years of service. The second hardest thing is being patient and flexible (like you said.) Hopefully your Kampala visit and then move to Arua will go reasonably smoothly. We'll talk soon. Love, Mom
