Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Swearing In Ceremony (and the Giardia Experience)

We did it!  We were sworn in as official Peace Corps Volunteers on October 13, 2011.  The ceremony was held at the private home of the Deputy Ambassador of the US Embassy.  After 10 long weeks of training and 3 whirlwind days in Kampala, we had one night to celebrate and say our good-byes.  It's too bad that I missed sending off my friends because I was so sick.

I won't go into too many details about giardia but here are the symptoms: frequent diarrhea, fever, SEVERE stomach cramps, nausea/vomiting, etc.  Basically, your GI tract throws a fit.  Knowing that I was leaving for Arua the next day, I called the Peace Corps Medical Office on Friday night and got the medication.  Unfortunately, I couldn't take it until the nurse was SURE that I had giardia, and not some other GI issue.  So I had to suffer for 3 days while traveling to Arua, trying to clean my house, buying things at the market, and starting work at Kuluva School of Nursing.  Thankfully, my supervisor, Sister Anne, is absolutely wonderful and let me stay at her house over the weekend and is giving me as much time as I need to recover.

I am still working on settling into my house and unpacking, so I'll write more about that when I finish.  Now that Peace Corps Training is over, I should have more free time to blog, upload pictures, email, and hopefully Skype!  :)


  1. Yay! I can't wait to see pictures and possibly skype with you!

  2. So glad you got there safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry u had the travelers sickness! At least u got in the picture!!!!I was reading this to Uncle Jerry and he said it was so good u made it there safe without incident. We love u and wish u a great week of settling in!Wonderful u could stay at Sister Anne's...she's a blessing that one!

  3. I hope you're feeling better. Are you all settled in now? We're looking forward to talking to you this weekend. Can't wait to see pictures of your house. By the way, you look great in the group photo! Love, Mom
