Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I watched the movie ‘Contagion’ the other night.  It was pretty good – and what I really enjoyed was the global health issue.  It got me really pumped up about public health work (I’m a total nerd, I know).  It all started with my job at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment – I didn’t have any real direction in my career at that point, I just knew that I wanted to work in public service.  I was only in the Immunization Program for a year, but it was such a great experience and I learned so much that I decided to take the next step (or leap, depending how you look at it) – I joined Peace Corps to gain some field experience (which is usually required for these jobs).

Unfortunately, my work in Uganda is more related to education than health.  I teach computing (i.e. Microsoft Word and Excel); I work on school databases; and I do clerical work for the office administration.  I know that I am not qualified to go out into the villages and give immunizations or deliver babies, but I was hoping for a hands-on experience with Uganda’s health systems and management.

After watching ‘Contagion,’ I realized that no matter what kind of work I do in the Peace Corps, I am still going to need to further my education.  I know very little about disease control, surveillance and response, epidemiology, etc.  (I did, however, gain a great deal of knowledge about immunizations and vaccines during my time at CDPHE.)  My bachelor’s degree is in Communication (interpersonal/group communication, not broadcasting) but that won’t get me very far in this career – I’ll have to get a Master’s in Public Health. 

Thankfully, one of the many benefits of being in the Peace Corps is receiving grad school credit and/or tuition reimbursement.  Yay!  I’ve only just started looking at programs, but there is a concrete timeline that may delay my admissions: I need to take the GRE (and need time to study for it!), I need to submit my grad school applications by a specific deadline depending on the semester, I need to finish my Peace Corps service (October 2013), etc.  So grad school may not happen right away, but I might as well start planning for it.

After thinking about work, grad school and my future, I’ve decided that I will do the (education) work that Sister Anne asks of me at Kuluva School of Nursing.  It's still international field work with the Peace Corps.  There is potential for me to work (for a day or two) on health projects at other PCVs’ sites (nutrition classes, food distribution, life skills classes, etc.) and my camp experiences also covered a few health topics (reproductive health, nutrition, HIV, etc.).  So here’s what I see for the next 12 months:
  • Teach computing at the nursing school
  • Create student records database for Kuluva
  • Gender and Development Committee
  • More camps?
  • Health projects with other PCVs?
  • Study for GRE
  • Apply to grad schools

I also want to go around Kuluva Hospital with the nursing students and talk to them about healthcare in Uganda.  Even if I can’t work in the hospital, at least I can learn about it.

Looks like a pretty good year. 

(Yes, this all started from watching a movie.  Thank you Hollywood for giving me an epiphany regarding my Peace Corps experience.)


  1. Wow, what an interesting train of thought. It sounds like you're figuring things out and it all makes perfect sense. Where are you looking for grad. school? With your new direction and goals, I'm sure you'll make the most of your 2nd year in Uganda and not feel so frustrated about your limited opportunities in public health. Give what you can, take what you can learn and enjoy experiencing the Ugandan culture.

  2. Excellent planning and ideas Laura:) So happy you have a plan and options~Very excited for you and your expanded goals:)hugs Love you!Sorry I am late checking your blog. I was used to checking it almost everyday~just not in the habit again. Have a wonderful October hon and I hope that you do feel a sense of the good you are doing there:)Love, Aunt Linda

  3. Hi Laura! I love the epiphany you've had! Isn't it funny how the oddest things can trigger them, and when you least expect it? I love that about life. I'm feeling I need an epiphany lately myself...so you've given me hope. Thank you for that! Love your list of goals for your 2nd and last year in Uganda. Having a sense of purpose will help to make the year go by fast and you will enjoy it so much more. Sounds like you're right on track! Lots of love to you, Aunt Lynn

  4. That's awesome Laura that you have so many goals planned out for this next year....should make things go by pretty fast. I remember studying for the GRE...it really wasn't too bad but you do have to study to refresh all that math stuff for sure! Hope you are looking at schools in Missouri for grad school! ;)

  5. What a coincidence. I just watched Speed and am thinking of becoming a bus driver. I kid, I kid. Public Health is good stuff. Looks like it's time to brush up on your algebra and geometry. The GRE isn't too bad, but I remember there being a lot of essay writing.
