Thursday, April 4, 2013

Here and There

Here: Kuluva.   

On days without power, I have nothing to do.  So I sit at home and read.  On days with electricity, I go to school and work on databases or teach computing class . . . that is, if the computer room is available.  The school also uses the computer room for meetings, lectures, and interviews for incoming students.  If any of these events are happening, I can’t work . . . and I go home.  It’s been very boring around here for the past few months.

There: Kampala, Vacations and Camp.

There is a new group of trainees arriving in Uganda on April 25th.  I volunteered to be one of the trainers – and since several of the newbies will be coming to Arua, Peace Corps assigned me to be the Arua Satellite Liaison.  This means that I’ll be assisting in training specific to the Arua group while they’re visiting the area (during the month of May).  I’m really looking forward to having more people around!

This weekend I’ll be speaking with the homestay families about preparing for the volunteers.  Then on Tuesday & Wednesday, there is a workshop in Kampala where all the PCV trainers put together the program for the incoming group.

After the workshop, I’m going on vacation to Rwanda!  I’ve heard that Rwanda is a must-see destination while living in Uganda.  It’s super close and relatively cheap to travel there (by bus).  I’m only going for 5 days (it’s a very small country) – so expect a blog post about it in the next few weeks.

I’ll return to Kuluva for two weeks (after Rwanda) and then . . . I signed up for another Camp GLOW!!!  Yep, one more time.  :)  But this time I applied to be staff and work on logistics to help make sure everything runs smoothly.  I’ve already been a counselor 3 times, and I wanted to try something different.  It’s going to give me a new perspective of camp, which I really wanted before directing Girl Tech.


  1. Well, happy to see you blog!! was wondering what you were up to lately.sounds like you have some really good things coming up~you will be busy which I can tell will make you very very happy! Glad your time is starting to wind down and you are helping train others.that is really great. Be safe in your travels and we are looking forward to you coming back to the states.Much love, Aunt Linda

  2. Hi Laura,
    With the new group coming in at the end of April, soon your group will be "the Seniors." So, how does it feel to be in the most senior group of Peace Corps Volunteers in Uganda? I know you'll have a lot of good advice to offer as a trainer. I wish you had more site work, but I know you're making the most of the opportunities that come up -- like camps, committees and travel. And you've made friends you'll have for a lifetime! That's got to count for something! Have a great time exploring Rwanda. We're counting down the months until you come home. We miss you a lot! Love, Mom

  3. I hear there are some nice hotels in Rwanda...hey oh!
