Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More Camps!

As you know, I was a counselor/mentor at Northern Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) in Gulu.  After I got back to site [and back to working on databases], I realized just how much I loved camp and being active with the girls. 

So I applied for more.  :)  And I just found out that I’ve been accepted as a counselor/mentor again for two more camps! 

The first one is called Girl Tech.  It’s a week-long camp for girls, which focuses completely on math, science, and computers.  In order promote gender equality, we need to teach girls these subjects, which aren’t always offered to them.  While the GLOW camp focused on life skills, Girl Tech is more about professional development.  I am super excited to be a part of this camp!  The dates are August 5-11 and it’s being held in Jinja (near Kampala).

The second one is Eastern Camp GLOW.  This time the campers will be girls from the eastern region of Uganda – so no Lugbara speakers.  Because there are so many different dialects in Uganda, English is the standard language spoken at camp and the girls must have a certain level of English proficiency to attend.  Also, the girls will be 13-15 years old, which is slightly younger than the girls at Northern Camp GLOW.  Hopefully, this means that this group won’t be as rebellious as the last one.  ;)  But it’s all good – I know what to expect now and how to handle things.  It’s going to be great.  This camp is also in Jinja on August 13-18.

Yep, back-to-back camps!!  Some of my friends think I’m a little crazy, but I know that these events are the highlights of my experience in Uganda.  I’m not going to pass them up!  I applied specifically to these two camps (for women's empowerment) because the timeline worked out and they’re both in Jinja.  (There are a couple of other camps happening but with overlapping dates and long distances to travel.)  Jinja is a pretty modern town – very tourist-friendly.  So I figured when I’m finished with both camps, I can hang out, order some pizza, and get a pedicure!  The perfect way to unwind.  :)


  1. Great, Laura! I'm glad you were "accepted" but not surprised. The camps will be the perfect place for you to make a difference in the lives of Ugandan youth. And your Camp GLOW experience will serve you well. So your August will be busy (and exhausting) and then you'll come home to running water, unlimited electricity, all the leafy greens you can eat, and Scott & Kailey's wedding in September. Yea!
    Love, Mom

  2. Congrats!Happy for you~perfect timing sounds like. Two camps to look forward too~ then soon after that home, home, home! These camps sound like great choices. I am so thrilled for you! Much Love, Aunt Linda

  3. I am such a perfectionist at times~that would be to...not too!lol

  4. Awesome Laura! Sounds like you will have a good, busy month in August and then like the others said....back home you come!! Can't wait to see ya...September will be here before you know it. I can't believe it's already almost July. Time is flying back here at home.
